Destress and Smoke Less
How to Destress and Smoke Less
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Thursday, April 5, 2012
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I Can See Your Courage!!! ~giggle~ ;0) |
Hey there! Hi there! Hope you had a great weekend.
Did you know that my title is, 'Stress Specialist' or 'Destress Yourself Expert', but what I really would like my title to be is, 'Courage Expert/Specialist' because I love, love, love to encourage people. When I spend time encouraging people, the only thing I am doing is persuading them to be courageous. When we have challenges, and we become stressed, we have doubt, fear, and worry. When we have doubt, fear, and worry, we start to think about the worst possible thing that could happen, and then we start to think about the steps we will have to take as we move towards what we think is the worst. If we face our challenges with courage, instead of thinking about the worst thing that could happen, we shift our thoughts to the best possible outcome, and then make decisions and move towards what we think is, and would be, the best results. That is courage, my friend. "Courage becomes a worthwhile and meaningful virtue when it is regarded not so much as a willingness to die manfully but as a determination to live decently.Have courage my friend! When the challenge comes, remind yourself, "Courage!" When you are required to step outside of your comfort zone to move ahead, and away from your stress, say it again, "Courage!"
"Arise; for this matter belongeth unto thee: we also will be with thee: be of good courage, and do it." ~Ezra 10:4 DO IT! "Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord." ~Palm 27:14 "Be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart, all ye that hope in the Lord." ~Psalms 31:24 More things to think about so you can destress yourself. Have a super duper week!!! Have fun! Be playful Love you lots ;0) BIG HUGS... Elizabeth Subscribe to my blog by putting your email address in the box above, and you will receive updated posts. Don't forget to confirm your subscription. If you need help, email me, I would love to hear from you and help you in any way I can. Or, you can download one of my products to help destress yourself If you really need to destress yourself, take the class ;0)Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Hello my friend. How's your week so far? Hope you read my last post and are increasing your Positive Attitude.
Today, I wanna talk a lil bout believing in yourself. What does believing in yourself have to do with destressing yourself? Excellent question! Stress is caused by our doubt, fear, and worry. If we believe in ourselves, and others, our doubt, fear, and worry will turn into certainty, confidence, and faith. When we live with thoughts of certainty, confidence, and faith, we truly destress ourselves. Believing in yourself, and others, is just a matter of being honest with yourself. If you search the evidence, you will find you are very successful thus far in your life. Therefore, you have great reason to be honest with yourself and have faith in yourself."But let us, who are of the day, be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love; and for an helmet, the hope of salvation." ~1 Thessalonians 5:8
Just a few more things you can think about to destress yourself. Enjoy the rest of your week!!! Have fun! Be playful Love you lots ;0) BIG HUGS... Elizabeth Subscribe to my blog by putting your email address in the box above, and you will receive updated posts. Don't forget to confirm your subscription. If you need help, email me, I would love to hear from you and help you in any way I can. Or, you can download one of my products to help destress yourself If you really need to destress yourself, take the class ;0)Thursday, March 8, 2012
Today, I wanna talk a lil bout how we can destress with a positive attitude. When we have a positive attitude, we feel better about ourselves, and when we feel better about ourselves, we feel peace, which is the opposite of stress. When someone comes to me to learn how to destress for the first time, many times they say they have a positive attitude. Often times, what that means to them is when they are in front of someone, or they are having a conversation, they appear positive. Meaning, they are happy and not sad, they are grateful and not complaining, or they are pleasant and not unpleasant. If we truly have a positive attitude, we have peace within because we are having positive thoughts, which create positive feelings, and that promotes positive actions. Your thoughts, feelings, and actions are your attitude. "William James, a pioneering American psychologist and philosopher, wrote, “The greatest revolution of our generation is the discovery that human beings, by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outer aspects of their lives.”Thursday, February 16, 2012
Never was I able to measure the level of stress, or even gauge the level of stress, that has been among others until I started blogging. My blogging began in 2006, and then seriously in 2007. It wasn't until 2009 that I was able to measure how many visitors I had in a day, week, or month. The measurements were only monthly before then.
All this babbling is about stress out there in the world. What I mean is, in the summer of 2009, I had about 500 to 600 readers a month. In the winter the readers more than doubled, and that just so happens to be my busiest time of the year, destressing people. By 2010 summer, I had in a week, what I had in followers in a month from 2009 winter. In the 2010 winter, it doubled, then went back down by the end of April.
By 2011, in the summer, my visitors doubled to what I was experiencing in the busy months of the winter, and the emails doubled as well. By the winter of 2011, I was experiencing crazy, crazy amounts of readers daily.
What I am trying to explain in all of this blah blah is, I believe because of the number of visitors, and contacts I am experiencing, stress is increasing out there in the world. For a minute there, I thought things were getting better, over the holidays, because my stats dropped from December 24, 2011 to January 2, 2012, to what was high stats in the 2011 summer. But, by January 8, 2012, things got back to all time highs again.
By January 14, 2012, my post How To Destress Your Deepest Moments of Despair, was viewed 1000 times. What this means to me is, there are plenty of people out there in their deepest moments of despair.
There was a time when I responded to Critical Incidents, and taught stress prevention, intervention, and direction only to the Emergency Personnel, which included EMT's, Firefighters, Paramedics, and Police Officers. Then it expanded to Management and Administrators.
I can remember my first one on one clients that were not in the Emergency Field, they included men, who were business owners. Many of them were sent to me by their wives, and the common reaction was, "My wife sent me to see you because if I don't get a handle on my stress then she will divorce me." No lie!
Then I started teaching all kinds of individuals stress relief.
Most recently, my contacts have been people who have lost their jobs, homes, and sometimes everything they have, and sometimes even a family member.
When October & November 2011 came around, I had an unusual amount of teenagers come to me due to pressures usually at home, but not entirely.
Is the economy in America getting better? Is the economy in the World getting better? That is hard to say, but from my stand point, a whole lotta people are trying to relieve stress, that's fo sho!
This time of the year is the best time for you, and me, to relieve our stress because it is the New Year, and we can be motivated to start a new.
When people are stressed, it is caused by doubt, fear, and worry about their circumstances. When people are really stressed, they tend to focus on the worst possible outcome. They think about the worst thing that could happen, over and over, in their mind. This causes a whole lotta stress.
One of the best things we can do, when we think about the worst over and over again, is write down what we want, what we really want. Write down the best possible outcome you could have in your situation, make them goals, and focus on them. Focus on them by reading your written list everyday, and making a to do list to move forward on it. This will destress you by building faith in yourself, and making you focus on the best instead of worst.
Another great thing we can do is learn the relaxation response. The relaxation response will provide a way for you to create a habit of relaxing any time, and any where. It is a habit we can develop to replace the stress habit. When we are stressed, the stress response is activated, and if we have a wonderful habit of activating the relaxation response it can, and will, provide a place, in our mind and body, to feel safe and relaxed.
If we focus on the best possible outcome, and remain relaxed, the burden of our stress is lightened and we can easily overcome our stress, no matter what we are going through.
A great affirmation for when you have stress, you are focusing on the best outcome, and you practice the relaxation response is, "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." ~Philippians 4:13
Affirmations are just reminders, and this reminder, if you say it to yourself over and over again, will build your faith, and help you succeed. So memorize it, and say it often, especially when you feel stressed.
That's all I got. You are doing great! Keep up the excellent work! Have fun! Be playful!
Love you lots ;0)
Subscribe to my blog by putting your email address in the box above, and you will receive updated posts. Don't forget to confirm your subscription.
If you need help, email me, I would love to hear from you and help you in any way I can.
Or, you can download one of my products to help destress yourself
If you really need to destress yourself, take the class
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Hello there. How's it going? Did you have a most magnificent weekend? I sho did ;0) Once again, I fell in love. Matter of fact, I fell in love a few times. Dang, I love that, falling in love. I love love. Okay, okay, enough about love, again, but you know I can't help it.
Got a scripture for you.
Matthew 7:3 says, "And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beem in thine own eye?"
This scripture means, to me, why are you judging, or trying to fix someone else when you could be judged for what you do, or when you got a whole lotta fixen to do in yourself?
Mote means a chip or splinter, and a beem is something big that they use in constructing a house or building. Therefore, whatever you are judging in someone else is much smaller than what you could be judged for.
This, my friend is great advice. Whenever I feel like I want to give someone advice (like in my blog for instance), I know there are at least two things going on for me. First, I am looking at what I think needs to be fixed in someone else, meaning I am being critical. Second, I need to give that advice to myself, which means, living up to my own standards. Practice what I preach! You know what I mean?
When I want to fix someone else, I am looking at their imperfection, rather than looking at their assets. "Guess what?" I say to myself, "We are all imperfect Elizabeth."
A very stressful habit is focusing on peoples' imperfections. It is a habit of being critical, when we could just as easily be complimenting. If we are critical, it shows the mood of our mind. If the mood of our mind is critical of others, you can bet it is critical of ourselves. When we are critical of ourselves, we tend to have a very low self-confidence which produces doubt. Any kind of doubt, fear, or worry will create stress.
You know, and I know, we can be our own worst enemies by being critical of, or having doubt in ourselves. All the decisions we make in this life are based on doubt or certainty. If we make decisions based on doubt, we miss out on some seriously spectacular goods. If we make decisions on certainty, we achieve, advance, gain, and obtain.
How did being critical become a habit? Well, I'll tell you. Most likely, when we were younger, and as we grew up, we could have done a thousand things right all day long with not a word said, and yet, when we did one thing wrong, we were criticized, and then corrected. So, other peoples' habits became ours.
The best thing I can do, when I write a blog post, or help an individual is, take my own advice, and live up to my own standards.
Do I take my own advice? I sho do! Eh-em, most of the time.
Do I live up to my own standards? I sho do try, but like I say, to myself, "Nobody is perfect Elizabeth."
One of the things I love to do the mostest is, I love, love, love to encourage people. Even though I am a Destress Yourself Specialist, I would love my title to be a Courage Specialist. And because I love to encourage others, I spend a lot of time encouraging myself. I am my own cheerleader.
"You can do it Elizabeth!" I say to myself.
Encouraging and complimenting others is much better than criticizing or trying to fix them. Taking my own advice, that I want to give to others, and encouraging myself is much better than criticizing. Truly, just a simple choice, don't you think?
This week, and if I am brave enough, for the weeks to come, I will live up to my own standards by taking my own advice. Whatever advice I am about to give, I will hush up and give it to myself, in my head of course. I will focus on peoples' abundance and I will compliment and encourage them. I will look at my abundance, and I will compliment and encourage myself more.
Sounds like a great way to destress myself, wouldn't you agree?
Hope you have a glorious week. You can do it! LOL! You are glorious!
How am I doing so far?
Have fun! Be playful! And, speak soon!
Subscribe to my blog by putting your email address in the box above, and you will receive updated posts. Don't forget to confirm your subscription.
If you need help, email me, I would love to hear from you and help you in any way I can.
Or, you can download one of my products to help destress yourself
If you really need to destress yourself, take the class
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
It is a great year already, I can feel it in my bones, and in my soul.
So far, I am doing really good on my New Year Resolutions. How bout you?
My resolutions are...
To be healthier and to serve more people in more ways. That's it!
Although, there is a huge list of things I have to do, and want to do, that goes under each of those goals. My goals are very specific, and so I have a lot of work to do.
One thing I know for sure is, I may have a set back or I may mess up a little but you know what? That is totally okay in my head. That sounds funny. Anyway, what I mean is, I will not give up if I have a set back or if I mess up a little, or a lot.
My mantras for my goals are, "I can do this! I have faith that I can do these things. I will not give up."
I am so focused, it is magnificent, in my head. ;0)
Do you have your goals? How are you doing? Do you have faith that you can accomplish your goals? Do you have the mindset that you WILL NOT give up?
In Hebrews 11:1, it says, "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."
Now is the time, more than ever, to have faith in yourself, and your goals. Now is the time, more than ever, to hope for the things that you want that have not yet come to pass. Now is the time, more than ever, especially if you want a better you and a better year, to be focused more than ever.
You can do it my friend.
You can do this!
Have faith!
Never give up!
Say it with me now, "I can do this! I have faith I can do these things! I will not give up!"
Have a great week. Have fun and be playful too ;0)
Subscribe to my blog by putting your email address in the box above, and you will receive updated posts. Don't forget to confirm your subscription.
If you need help, email me, I would love to hear from you and help you in any way I can.
Or, you can download one of my products to help destress yourself
If you really need to destress yourself, take the class